All of my skins I am developing now
RomanDA Need a little help?
Published on May 19, 2009 By Automan In DesktopX Tutorials


Hope everyone is doing great!!!

I posted a link to an image of my 5 Day forcast and the way it's layout is. Image Below:



Hey ; I there guy we have typed in the past a lot on mods for Desktopx. Where you at on this one buddy?

I want to use the Weather XML but I don't or haven't had the time to look into all of the weather widgets for DesktopX and also the Objects for Forcasting in DesktopX.

I am trying to make my DesktopX Weather come out the same as i the screenshot link and can't seem to get the images to show or get it with in the same layout.

I always keep it on and it checks the weather XML every 30 mins. I am using Samurize to don this as the program had a Weather 2004.dll that makes it wasy to set-Up the 5Day forcast.

So can some one give me some help on the switch to DesktopX. When the Prometheus Dark DesktopX Pro Theme comes out I will give all of the weather related accomplishment CREDITS to who ever might help on this.

I hope some one can help as I don't want to pick someone elses weather Object or Widget apart and make it work with this theme.



Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 07, 2009

Hi sViz;

The error that comes up first is if you click the object you get this:

1. Normal Message box with OK button= The File Does not exist

Right after you hit OK button for the message bow error yu get a normal error from DesktopX with this:

Invalid procedure call or argument: 'instr'
Line: 42
(not available)

That all it does and I have checked the path,etc.




on Jun 07, 2009

Hi Again sViz:

Is there a possibility of pulling the information that is needed for the 5Day for cast and placing all of the images for the link to the weather icon number in like C:\localWeather\

Then just pull the fields and link the icon for that day to the images in the directory mentioned above, and just build this in DesktopX Pro to use DesktopX for the 5Day forcast.

I have shown that it is only illegal to use the XML download file if you have now signed up for it. I have and I can include instructions above in a post for all to see how to join and really be legal.

I sure would like to drop the other program and download the XML file to the Directory above But add a directory called XML and place the XML file into it every 35 minutes by a timer.

The way all of the other weather widgets get the weather may be the reason gets pi***d?

Just a thought.

I only design with Photoshop CS4 and I am also an Engineer so I am just coming up with ideas on how this might work.

By the way " RomanDA ", I hope I have answered your concerns on how to get the real XML File from

There is also a great chance here to actually build a widget or object that has the borometer reading using a red arrow and also wind direction using a little math as to where the pointer should be compared to the info in the XML file and having this run real time.

I say COOL! Actually this would be one of the best 2 DesktopX weather systems built to date.

Thanks for the eye folks, I appreciate it.


on Jun 07, 2009

By the way " RomanDA ", I hope I have answered your concerns on how to get the real XML File from

Its fine.. i was just worred when i saw that.  I have not played with weather xmls in forever, and i knew they were "cracking down" on people using the feeds.

on Jun 07, 2009

I was just going over Martin's Base Weather widget, and realized your attempting the exact same thing--same website, same xml file, except without the advertisment.

I'd suggest downloading that and tailoring the script so it displays the information you want. He's also done a wind and UV meter (see above link.)

on Jun 09, 2009

Hi sViz and hello RomanDA!!!

OK I looked at the Weather script and sure enough I can place my download code into it and it gets the weather, but remember that I may have mentioned that I use a directory for the 42 pixel specially made for weather 5Day ad need to access those png files also if I use the script for the Todat weather that is in the Desktop image gallery I will also have to have a way to get to my 85 Pixel png files fopr the weather Icon.

This is why I am really wanting to take and re-write those scripts for all of this and then I can use the info I need and use my own png's for the weather and they would be located is "C:\Weather" Everything need to go either there or a directory in the themes folder in the DesktopX folder.

Either way, there is a real need to be able to use my on path to different Icons. I also noticed the some of the Select section has severa Icons listed if a certain condition exist, I can fix that by adding all of the crrect "Selects".

There are some really great Images "PNG's", out there that look 100% better than the ones in the script.

Any ideas, I do hate to be so picky about this but there is a need to up date a 2004 Weather script to make it work for every one in any fasion that they want.

Thanks folks, I really appreciate your help on this.


on Jun 09, 2009

is there a reason you use a directory, and not multiple "states" in the objects?

I always used 1 weather object with multiple states to it. 

If you want to use a folder, you can always use desktopx.ExecutableDirectory to tell you where you loaded the exe from, and then use a folder under that, etc.

jsut my 0.02

on Jun 10, 2009

Whoo Hi RomanDA;

Yes the way the weather is set up not I have Photoshop Icons of weather in 2 sizes and in a Directory called " WeatherIcons84 " for the Today Weather with all the bells a whistles like the Barometer gauge,ets and " WeathereIcons42 " for the 5Day weather touches up in Photoshop. I am currently working on enhancing the PNG's so that they are animated, but it's taking a while, but they are cool when you see rain and lightning thats actually moving in animation. That brings me to a good question I have. The AniUtil that comes with DesktopX can't handle some of the files I save to an Animation directory and produce the correctly. Do you know of a program that will do this, I have Photoshop CS4 and thought the Animation section in it would do it but they don't work in DesktopX right after you set them to be animated.

Also the reason for the image directories, is so that I can keep every thing concerning the weather seperated from the Theme directory so that if I want a new set of Icons that are better, I just download then and Automan the sizing in Photoshop.

Please help me build this, and all the ccredit goes to you and sViz if he get into the heat of the scripting.

1. All I need to do this isone object " layer " and place the selected infor onto it.

2. Asection in the script that has the legal copy"mine" other folks can sign up and finally be legal. Stardock doesn't evn know I don't think that all of the XML weather Widgets are illegal with out the user signing up and using the SDK you download from

I will be building two weather objects "Today Weather" and 5Day Weather" If one is build I can use it to make the other.

This widget will be one of the COOLEST out there, and if I accomplish this, You and sViz "onboard" can submit them as I will give you the codes and Graphics and info in a Zipped for mat so that you can use them and pack them up and distribute them. After all you folks would be doing the  scripting which I can't do.

I feel like I am fishing trying to catch one of you folks and getting this caught and pull it in.

One Note: Please look at the post about DesktopX email and Vista SP2. You might want to see this as it might effect some or a lot of you Functions that folks use..

Thanks bud

on Jun 10, 2009

im not 100% sure what you need form me, but if you want to send me an email with a link to the theme, and what you are looking to have done, i will look into it.

on Jun 10, 2009

Hi RomanDA;

Here is the link to a screenshot of this theme that shows what I am running right now:

You will see the Today weather at the Top under the top bar, and you will see the 5Day forcst at the right half way down. Hit the image ad you'll see it all.

As in the last post to you there is one last thing changes to the evening weather ar 2:30pm eastern time thats when I show the 5Day night, so I have to figure ourt a way to build it to change the detail on the 5Day 1st day area to whats happening this evening.

If this weather gets build I will then get to get rid of a massave peice of code that checks the time and changes the program to tonight at the first part above the date and then changes the detail after the weather icon to the evening expectations forcast.

I am taking all of this info from another program called Samurize using a program dll called 2004.dll. And that went to the graveyard when the guy quit working on it and added the Advertizing. It messed up his detail on the first day for Day and night feature.

If this is built using the weather widget that is on then it will change the day an night feature automatically.

What I need to do is grab the XML file using my codes where I signed up and display each section thats already in the image. I also just need to have a way of pointing and using my own icons in a directory so that I can us the large PNG "80" Pixels for the today and the small png's "42" pixels for the 5Day forcast.

If i can get a script that Pulls the images and all I can do the rest and pass it by you, and you take the credit.

I like how you program for DesktopX so I called on the best. If you are located in the US and want to talk by phone I would be glad to just tell which area code your calling from and I will answer. I have to do that, because I am a Colonel in Special Forces BOps. so they make us screen or damn calls. If in the US there has to be a way to make contact by phone possible and that would not cripple fingers in the forum post to do this. And I am sure after we talked for just a minute at my penny that you would have it easly.

Sometimes when your trying to create something as an engineer of graphics and DesktopX scripting it gets really tough to get it all explained in the forum. After completion of the scripting object it can easly be placed as an "object or as a widget that can be imposted to the theme after downloading the theme.

I have to work on the 2 second drop down raar image of the east coast which I will place and image in the screen shot area. It uses html pages that anyone can place into their " My Web " area and use, it's really cool live radar...

Take care guy nad thanks for reading and possibly helping on this project. It is really cool I have used this for 2 years and then just re-did all the menues and graphics. I will show a "Graphics Menu" in the next screen shot and you'll see what I mean...




on Jun 10, 2009


I have just uploaded another screenshot showing the graphics menu in the middle centered and also the roll down 600mi. east coast raarscreen.

Funny thing here I am doing this and you can see the animated scuare at knoxville,tn. and I looked and we are getting read to get clobbered by bad storms. Looks better than just blank though.

Here is th Screenshot link showing the Today Weather at the top of the screen under the Topbar, and also the 5Day to the right middle also I threw in a shot of the Menu System, and last but not least the very smooth roll down east coast 600mi weather active radar.

Link is below:

Let me know what ya think users are already hitting the screenshots and wanting a copy of this DesktopX theme as soon as they can get t. I must say that the menu system is one of the best I have seen in DesktopX so far......It's very easy on eyes and very usefull for all computer system and software work and at the same time you have everything except a kitchen sink.....

Let me know what you think and if you might want to tackle the weather.

Thanks a million to you ad sViz for the help..


on Jun 18, 2009

Hey RomanDA;;

What happened to you bud, did ya give up? I saw that the screen shot of this desktopX theme I am preparing to release soon made it into the "I Love DesktopX" area on the main WinCustomize page. thats cool. Now if I can just make this weather thingy I will be able to do the rest and release this monster.

Folks from the comments on the screen shots are really wanting, this theme.

I appreciate it all and I hav an idea.

I will use the weather example that is posted and grab all the 5Day info, if someone can tell me through a vbscripting how to point to another image when the weather widget shows the number of the XML icon for the 5Day weather.

Thanks guy...Hope you are doing well.



on Jun 18, 2009

I think the problem is we're not exactly clear on what you have working and what you still need to do. Also, modifying/creating weather widgets take a LOT of hours, of which there aren't enough in the day.

So first, let's clarify what you have done and what you want to do?


1. Radar

2. Wind/Pressure

3. Today weather


1. 5-Day forecast


Right? Second, what about the 5-Day is not working? Can you get the information and display it at all or do you need help doing that?  OR you can get the information and display it, but you just want to change the icons?

Also, are you talking about using Base Weather to build the 5-Day?

I'd like to help, but I'm useless if I don't understand exactly where you're at, what you're doing, and what the problem is.

on Jun 18, 2009

Sorry.. SViz is correct, i have no time to work on anything right now.    Im right there with him 100%.

on Jun 19, 2009

Hi sViz;

I am going to take the weather XML that is on WinCustomize and place my info for downloading the XML file to a C:\Weather\XML directory, then I will pull all the info from the file like you guys mentioned, it's just easier.

Then I just want to vbscript the icon number to look at another directory called C:\weather\42, which has all the png numbered images and use them instead od the one that the original weather widget uses, then I will take the today weather and redirece the icon number to use C:\weather\80 for the correct size Today weather.

I think this is a good way to go and I will take the widget and import it into my theme and pull all the correct info for the Todayand the 5Day weather and make them look just like the ones I have now.

The only thing I need to do is when it has the number like " 24 " for the 5Day "1st day" it will show the "24.png from the C:\weather\42 directory.

Thats the part I can't figure out yet. I will keep looking for a way to VBscripy that Icon number to use the png file from the other directory. Once i get that small section of the script I can handle the rest of the weather.

Thanks guys, I do understand that you nare very busy, and I shouldn't have expected you to just drop everything you are presently doing and get into this thing.

I will look deeper into a re-direct script sectionand place it into the script file for the 5Day and the Today weather and ake another section and stop using another program for the weather, tha will free up the system here and I will have weather built right into the DesktopX theme.

I do want to thank you folks for all the help though, because I have copied all the scripting and I am looking over it and I will get it going.

There will be a comment section in the theme for all of your help.

I really thank you for all the help!! you folks are great vbscripters and I do appreciate you help. Dam*, I think I said that already, oh well you do deserve it.


Col. Larry Hutcheson
aka Automan


on Jun 19, 2009

If you are using Base Weather (different widgets have different methods) then the easiest way to get your icons to show up is to just include them all as custom files.

Find the object called "Weather_Output". Go to Properties > Summary and click on Custom Files. Remove all the images you see there. That done, start adding your images.

DX will copy all custom files to the object directory and they will be included on export. The script will now use all of your images, providing that you name your icons the same as the originals. The original "00.png" is a thunderstorm, so your "00.png" should be a thunderstorm, and so on.

As far as having different icon sizes, I think it'd be much easier if you just made large size images (for the Today weather), then scaled them down in DX for the 5-Day...unless of course they're animated? 

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